The Pieces of World at War 85: US units
This article is the first in a series that will look at the units available for each nationality in the World at War 85 series from Lock ‘n Load Publishing. It has its origin in a series of articles written …
This article is the first in a series that will look at the units available for each nationality in the World at War 85 series from Lock ‘n Load Publishing. It has its origin in a series of articles written …
The Mercenaries in Space Infantry Resurgence are an enemy group that consists of all of the various militias and home guard units in the deep ranges of human space that came together for mutual protection and then decided that it …
Deep underground the masses of Chtonians wait for your Space Infantry troops. Biding their time in the dark they chitter and growl hoping to crush and digest your squad of fearful troops. Or at least that is how the art …
Space Infantry Resurgence is a game that requires you to generate many random numbers during gameplay. The primary method for random number generation in games is rolling a D6. This only generates numbers from 1 – 6 and the game …
When I play games I am always concerned with making the best use of the units I have. In some games this is quite easy to do because the game has fewer attack options. In a game like Nations at …